We are starting recruitment process for persons interested in participating in the Polish language and Polish culture course. The course is intended for people of Polish origin, repatriates as well as persons interested in obtaining the Pole’s Card. As part of the course, we foresee carrying out of 15 Polish language lessons (writing, speaking, working with a textbook, etc.) and 6 meetings under the title “Poland Independent 1918-2018: facts from history and culture”.
Planned period: September – December 2019. Classes will take the form of weekly meetings held 1-2 times a week in the Rule of Law Institute’s Migration Library (Monday and/ or Thursday between 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m). Once all places are filled, we will invite participants to our office to take part in the initial test to verify the level of language proficiency. Please send your contact details to the following address: POLSKA@panstwoprawa.org
Projekt „Polski My Naród” jest finansowany
ze środków Programu Fundusz Inicjatyw Obywatelskich na lata 2014-2020